Muckleshoot Tribal School – Elementary
At Muckleshoot Tribal School, we ensure high levels of academic and culture learning designed to serve the whole child. Our K-5 Elementary School currently hosts 270 students, with an emphasis on keeping class sizes low to foster student success. The importance of culture and academics is woven throughout the daily practices of our school.
To support cultural learning we open school each day with morning circle, and strive to integrate Muckleshoot Culture in all aspects of the school. Elementary students also receive instruction in Whulshootseed Language and Culture through specialist time. Our students have opportunities to explore traditional medicine, learn weaving, and sing the songs and speak the language of their ancestors. We have been excited to welcome back Culture Nights for families, staff and students this year.
To support academic learning, we use high quality educational resources. Currently we utilize a blend of American Reading Company and SIPPS to support student learning in English/Language Arts. In conjunction, we implement our HMH Science Dimensions program with the Since Time Immemorial Curriculum to engage students in an understanding of Muckleshoot Culture alongside Next Generation Science Standards. This year the Elementary is implementing our new Math Curriculum, LearnZillion, a research based program designed to build student mathematical understanding and capacity.
It is in these ways, and many more, that Muckleshoot Elementary School works towards its Mission to ensure high levels of academic and cultural learning for all students.

Elementary Programs